Wednesday, January 29, 2014

#18 Being Charitable

I chose Autism Speaks charity, and Autism Speaks is a charity that helps with autism. They mention that there are several types of autistic disorders that are all considered as ASD. ASD stands for Autistic Spectrum Disorder. They help find ways to make any improvements they can with our society and autism. They also even have a page that talks about autism on their site, and how they’ve tried to find the causes of autism. They mention research that has been done with autism, especially the most recent.

This charity is important to me, or meaningful to me because it goes with my interests, and I have autism. I’ve always been interested in anything to do with autism. But, I don’t know if that’s because I’m autistic, or I don’t know the reason for it. If i see anything that mentions autism, I find it very interesting and fascinating. It makes me want to get caught up on it, zone out, and spending a lot of time and thinking on it. Autism in general is very interesting and fascinating to me, so knowing about this charity Autism Speaks and how they try to help with autistic people, it is very meaningful to me. It means a lot and it makes me want to pick that charity over charities that can match my other interests.

Autism stuff is a lot to me like how singing and music are. I find it really meaningful that there are people to try to help with society and everything with people who have the same diagnosis as me, and similar ones that fall into the same category. I say it that way because my type of autism that I have is Asperger syndrome. But, it even said that Asperger syndrome also is considered as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder now. It’s still a form of autism, even though I’m high functioning compared to other types of autism.

Monday, January 27, 2014


GCF Learn Free typing

I think it’s a good typing website because it said that it helps you make a huge difference and big improvements with your typing. It can help you get to a normal, good typer like 60 wpm and it can help you reach your goal of helping you get to type as fast as you want. Some people that used that website were able to get to 60 wpm and they became excellent and got better and better and beat that score. Some people made comments on their website, and said they really loved it, they were thankful, and one person said she had started it and she already started making improvements with her typing and she said it’s encouraging to her and she wants to keep doing it.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Typing some more

With typing, in the last bit of 7th grade, and most of 8th grade, once a day I had a computer lab class where we’d mostly do typing stuff on the computer. It was on the internet. Then, I somewhat tried doing it online in 9th grade, but I wasn’t consistent with it and we got to a point where we stopped doing that and it stopped being part of our classroom routines and work. Then, I’ve done it with this blogging class, and I’ve had this Intro to Computers class twice now. I also tried working on my typing when I was doing other things on the computer in Miss Plunkett’s room at one point, like when I’d have free time on the computer, or whatever it was. That was sometime last year, when I was a junior. I believe that’s it as far as my typing education.